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Smudging Equipment & Products

     smudging - DIFFERENT smudges 2022

Smudging is a Cleansing Ritual that dates back to the Native American people, practiced by many Indigenous people around the world where Herbs or Tree Barks would be burned and the fragrant smoke would be used to cover a person or place for Spiritual Cleansing or Blessing.                    

Herbs used can vary widely between Tribes and Nations, many use forms of SAGE (like White Sage) and Cedar or whatever is local to their region.

SMUDGING -palo santo+ crystals 2022



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The modern-day Practice of Burning Sage (or other Dried Herbs) in Personal Smudging Rituals and Ceremonies is based on a Combination of the Spiritual, Medicinal, Herbal and Cultural Teachings of the Past.

A Smudge Ceremony is performed to Correct the Energy in a home, in an office, in an object or even in a person in a Focused, Intentional way to Remove Negative Energy and to Replace it with Positive, Healing Energy.

Sage torch      burning sticks

We would also recommend you visit our Natural Incense & Oils Sections within our shop to see other Products that are perfect for Smudging and Cleansing.

native soul - holy smoke          sweetgrass n cedar