DlD YOU KNOW ... ? Nag Champa is a FLOWER not a BRAND of lncense...

DlD YOU KNOW … ? The Tree and the Resin
- Nag Champa products are made from a Flower which is part of a family of Indian Plants known as "Champa".
- HALMADDI is a form of resin which is often incorporated into the Incense. It is harvested from the AILANTHUS MALABARICA TREE which is thought to smell similar to Plumeria flowers and are often planted near Ashrams because of its relaxing scent, which is so fragrant that its aroma can be detected from some distance away.

- The RESIN is bled from trees and then dried until it takes a brittle shape. Although this Resin is most often used as a Binding Agent, many people swear that it is an Important Ingredient in Nag Champa and similar Incense.
- The Resin mixture attracts moisture from the air so Incense sticks which have a high percentage of Halmaddi usually have a sort of wet feel to the touch.
- Halmaddi acts as a binder to a mixture. It is an excellent binder for making Incense because it seals the fragrance of Essential Oils as it dries up. It carries the Earthy Aroma that boosts the fragrance of Nag Champa. If reinforced with honey, it prolongs the burning life of the Incense such as BOMBAY INCENSE - OM NAG CHAMPA, see our shop for further details.

DlD YOU KNOW . . .? lts History
- Monks from Buddhist and Hindu monasteries began using Nag Champa as Incense some monasteries kept secret formulas of Nag Champa. Some were mildly floral, while other recipes were made muskier. Although used for Religious Ceremonies, its distinct fragrance and therapeutic effects are the reasons why it gained popularity among the Westerners in the 1960’s.
- Incense is often used for Meditation, Yoga, Religious Rituals, and other Shamanic journey. It can be highly harmonizing and instils a mood of Serenity and Devotion. Of all the Incense out there, it is Nag Champa Incense that is held in the highest regards.

And MORE History
- Although the exact origins of Nag Champa Incense is not actually known, it is thought that it was first created in Nepal and or India as these are the places that its ingredients are most commonly found, and where Nag Champa is most commonly and traditionally used.
- Although now commercially produced, Nag Champa used to be (and still is) made in the Buddhist and Hindu temples of India and Nepal. Each temple has its own recipe and variation of Nag Champa Incense, with each rumoured to be a well-guarded secret.
- Nag Champa is thought to have spread to the Western world when Westerners came to India and Nepal seeking enlightenment. Since then, it has become the most popular and widespread Incense in the world.

DlD YOU KNOW . . .? About this Flower . . .
- There are three dominant flowers used in the production of "Nag Champa" Products - Magnolia Champaca, Plumeria and Frangipani are all members of the "Champa" Family.
- Champaca, Halmaddi, and Sandalwood base are the most basic ingredients of Nag Champa Incense. These ingredients are native to India and Nepal.
- Some Indian women often tuck a "Champa" blossom behind their ear, letting the scent escape as their body heat warms the petals.

A "Champa flower," better known to Westerners as 'Plumeria', is one of many "Champa flowers" used in Incense that is generally associated with 'hippie culture' of the 60's and 70's, making it such a well-known Incense that is very readily available.

In India, the most famous component is the Champa flower from the "Magnolia Champaca Tree" or ' Golden Champa' which is prized in India for its BRIGHT YELLOW COLOUR and Delicate Fragrance with a distinguished Floral Scent. Champaca is the main flower Oil used, but, over time, fragrant oils such as Rose Oils, Orange Blossoms, and Ylang-Ylang begun being added to different Nag Champa blends.

Frangipani, is another member of the Champa Family, that creates a Unique Perfume and this delicate flower represents the symbol of Grace, Wealth, and Perfection across Asia.
Natural & Pure Nag Champa Incense has a Sweet, Slightly Woodsy Smell that many people describe as Calming, whereas for some, the smell is reminiscent of floral aromas like Jasmine or Magnolia flowers, the Forest, or even Tea with its Very Heavy, Earthy Aroma.
The "Natural Recipe" of Nag Champa Incense, traditionally, includes Resin extracted from the Ailanthus tree NOT CHEMICALS along with Sandalwood.

Due to its balsamic odour, Nag Champa Incense is burned during Spiritual Practices for its Emotional benefits. Its smell lasts long even after the stick has burnt out so the fragrance helps people to relax and it is believed to transport one’s mind and soul to a peaceful dimension during meditation. It also has lighter notes from the addition of Sandalwood.
This Incense is used in many temples where it is burned as offerings in front of Statues of Deities, it also tends to create a very distinctive atmosphere in temples and it is also burned on home altars. Worshipers typically leave offerings of Food, Crafts, and Champa Flowers when they pray to further cultivate the goodwill of the Gods.
Nag Champa is an Indian scent that is famously used in Incense, although it also appears in Soaps, Lotions, Smudge Stick, Perfumed Oils, and Candles, among other things.
Nag Champa Incense isn't the only product to contain "Champa flowers " Scent, there are some Sophisticated Western fragrances, such as 'Jean Patou's -Joy', contain "Champa flowers" as a major ingredient, harnessing its Rich, Sweet, Heavy Scent.

- Many people think of Nag Champa Incense scent, they think of one Incense Brand as the odour is so Distinctive and Unique, making it is still popular among many people in the UK today. It is often associated with the Hippie Culture Community, since many people travelled to India in the 1960s, where they found this 'Cheap Incense with its Earthy Smell'.
- Often shoppers mistakenly take "Nag Champa" to be a generic label for a familiar brand of Incense and is still used by many people BUT "Nag Champa" is a flower NOT a brand of Incense like the 'Famous Blue Box’, as We found out first hand when in India and after seeing some procedures, it confirmed our belief and this is why we DO NOT STOCK THE MORE FAMILIAR BRANDS.

- Many Indian Incense companies manufacture a type of 'Nag Champa' B U T not ALL these Incense products are made using "Natural Or Pure" Ingredients instead they OFTEN Contain TOXIC INGREDIENTS and CHEMICALS, these items have been added to many different Incense products in order to Save Money during production.
- There are numerous documented Court Cases, on the internet, of Manufacturers Products which have tested "Positive for Toxic Chemicals", these items include “Embalming Fluid" as a binding agent and "Salt-Peiter" which is used in Gunpowder and Cigarettes but in Incense, it can help the product burn stronger such ingredients are known to give people Severe Headaches, Chest Problems and Sore Throats.
ln Yoga Studios

Nag Champa Incense is still popular on the market because of its appeasing benefits. It covers Unpleasant Odours, Dispels Stress and Aids Relaxation of the Mind.

Good Quality Incense is best recognised by its Natural Colour, Strong Distinctive Scent and the lack of "Chemical based Black Smoke" which is evident when the Incense is burned.
Still Number One

There are alternative brands who produce Nag Champa products are BETTER QUALITY, HEALTH PROMOTING & AFFORDABLE, and at Scented and more we are proud to offer such lines from different Manufactures. These products use only Natural & Pure ingredients - check out our shop for more information.