- Charcoal Discs – pack of 10
- Charcoal Discs – pack of 10
- Charcoal Discs – pack of 10
Charcoal Discs – pack of 10
- The safest and most convenient way to burn Loose Incense, and more . . .
- £3.50
SHOP > Smudging Products & Accessories > Resins, Charcoal Discs & Pre-Filled Charcoal Cups
This product is one of the oldest ways to burn Resins and in exactly the same form as used by the Three Wise Men two thousand years ago. You can literally recreate ancient aromatic history in your own home. Each Charcoal Disc will last up to 60 minutes.
Small charcoal-discs in tubes of 10 pcs. Diameter 33 mm. The safest and most convenient way to burn Loose Incense, Herbs, Resins, Palo Santo Chips or even small leaves of White Sage.
1. Place a self-igniting charcoal disc on a fire-proof surface, away from flammable objects and light it.
2. Be aware that these discs may occasionally sparkle profusely upon ignition.
3. Allow enough air to flow around the charcoal to make sure burning. Some people prefer to open the window whilst it is igniting as it gives off smoke.
4. Once the charcoal disc has finished sparkling it will start to glow, usually first on one side, slowly spreading over the disc.
5. When the entire disc is glowing red hot it is ready for adding the incense.