Mother's Day, or Mothering Sunday - SHOP

Mother's Day, or Mothering Sunday 

Mother's Day, or Mothering Sunday is a celebration honouring the Mother Of The Family or an Individual, as well as Motherhood, Maternal Bonds, and the influence of Mothers in society. It is celebrated on different days in many parts of the world, most commonly in March or May. Some people, who do not give a physical gift, often choose to treat their Mother or Grandmother to a Special Meal, Beauty Treatment, Fun Outing, or Scented items that assist her to main Health & Well-Being,

Most people show their Love and Gratitude to their Mothers on Mothering Sunday through giving Cards and Gifts, as well as through Acts Of Kindness.


Early Mother's Day celebrations can be dated back to the spring celebrations to honour Rhea, the Mother of the Gods, in Ancient Greece.  It is an annual event celebrated slightly different, around the world, depending on the country such as China where Carnations are popular Mother’s Day gift, groups in Samoa organize elaborate Song and Dance performances throughout the country to celebrate the contributions that Mothers make to Samoan society. The Romans also had their own version of Mother’s Day, celebrating a Mother Goddess called Cybele every March since 250 BC.

Mothering Sunday was a Religious Event in the 16th century, referring to the ‘Mother Church’, rather than our own Mothers. ‘Mother Church’ refers to the Main Church or Cathedral of the area and people would traditionally go to their ‘Mother Church’ for a special service on the fourth Sunday of Lent when people attended, normally as a whole family, to celebrate their Special Women in their life.

In Christian Traditions, people observed a Fast During Lent. Lent is the period from Ash Wednesday until Good Friday. During the Lent fast, people did not eat from Sweet, Rich Foods or Meat but the Fast was lifted slightly on Mothering Sunday when people prepare a Simnel Cake to eat with their family on this day.

A Simnel Cake is a light fruit cake covered with a layer of marzipan. Traditionally, Simnel cakes are decorated with 11 or 12 balls of marzipan, representing the 11 disciples of  Jesus Christ.   One legend says that the Cake was named after Lambert Simnel who worked in the kitchens of Henry VII of England sometime around the year 1500.

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Mother Acronym Printable - Courageous Christian Father | Geburtstag, Geburt

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Believe it or not,

Mother’s Day started to fall out of fashion at the start of the 20th century. Constance Penswick-Smith, the daughter of a vicar, thought that it was a great shame to lose Mothering Sunday, so she worked hard to reinvigorate this day to celebrate mothers and the ‘Mother Church’. She cared so much that she wrote a book called The Revival of Mothering Sunday and founded the Society for the Observance of Mothering Sunday! This festival ended up being reinstated in British culture. The focus of this day became more about celebrating Mothers, due to an American influence.

The American influence on Mothering Sunday, which moved it more towards being a day of celebrating our Mothers rather than the Church, was due to a woman called Anna Jarvis. She wanted to set up a day to honour her own Mother, who was a militant peace activist during the US Civil War. Her ambition was to create a Mother’s Day for all Americans to celebrate their Mothers, which was not taken seriously by officials at first, but in 1914 US President Wilson officially signed Mother’s Day into existence.

Mothering Sunday is a fun day of celebration to enjoy with Your Mother and family, so why not give a Special Scented Gift to your Best Friend, the Women who cares for you no matter what, or simply to say thanks to a female who has been good to you.

We, at Scented and more, can offer you and this special lady perhaps the Best Scented Products you can buy and at Jewels by SnM  you will find something for every age group and faith.

Unfortunately, both of us have lost our Mums and miss them every day but we wish you and your loved ones a great Mothering Sunday and we know you will find something Affordable, Quality, and Unique as a gift for your celebration.

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